Sure, I'd go back and do it again... even though it cost me my leg.
My name's Stevie Front, even though back over there they used to kid me and call me Stevie Frontline or sometimes even just Front Line. They called me that because they lied to me and told me you stored up more "brownie points" by taking the lead of the pack, and - once you got enough points - you got sent home.
Yeah, I know that's B.S. now.
It didn't matter anyway, because Charlie improved his aim one day and got me right in the leg. I'd have died for sure if not for Hank Hogg. He saved my ass and pulled me out of the hell fire.
But, sure, I'd go back and do it again. Brainwashed? Maybe... but I've seen lots of people who are brainwashed. At least I have something to believe in, and that's the good ol' US of A!
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